Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Industry Focus Group at the Binus University

We are touched by the warm welcome by the talents in Indonesia. The salary each artist made seems to be a challenge as compared to the rising cost of living in Indonesia. One member in the focus group asked me if I have plans to setup a studio in Indonesia. My answer is I am not here to tap on the low labour cost in Indonesia. I am here to share my own experience in setting up my own studio and how did I manage to bring my IP to a global market. With this effort, I hope it will expose the talents to a whole new world of opportunities and ideas. So that they can build their own studio and secure their own future. In a long run, improve the life of the artists. That is the mission of our trip. I hope to come back again to continue this effort and collaboration. And hope to build more friendship and relationship. It adds meaning to what we do.

Hope our effort doesn't just benefit the students but also the Indonesia Animation Industry. For more pictures please visit our facebook page

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